The application of low-frequeny magnetic therapy and the depo-hydrogel material “Ko-leteks” following the surgical intervention in otorhinolaryngology




We report the development of a combined method for the application of the medicinal hydrogel depo-system “Kolteks” in combination with low-frequency magnetic therapy following the surgical interventions for the treatment of pyo-obstructive processes affecting ENT. A total of 145 patients were available for the observation after endoscopic surgery on frontal or maxillary sinuses and anthromastoidectomy. The patients were divided into two groups. The study group was comprised of 100 patients who had undergone the surgical intervention including the intraoperative application of the medicinal hydrogel depo-systems “Kolteks” in the form of the gels of different consistency, matrices, and disks. During the postoperative period, the sinuses were rinsed with the Kolteks-ADL and Kolteks-AKL gels diluted 1:7. Magnetic therapy targeted at the postoperative wound was initiated as soon as 5-7 hours after surgery. The control group consisted of 45 patients who had undergone the surgical intervention and the postoperative treatment with the use of standard therapeutic modalities. Dynamic observations showed that the consecutive application of the hydrogel depo-systems “Kolteks” in combination with magnetic therapy following the surgical intervention makes it possible to reduce the requirement for parenteral application of pharmaceutical products by means of lowering the doses of medications by approximately 1.5 times. As a result, the risk of allergic impacts on the organism decreases along with the frequency of toxic effect of medicamental therapy. In the postoperative period, the patients reported marked relief of pain while the amount of rhinogenic microflora and microbial associations decreased by 2-3 times. The study has demonstrated that the application of medicinal hydrogel depo-systems “Kolteks” in the combination with low-frequency magnetic therapy following the surgical interventions for the management of otorhinolaringological problems promotes regression of inflammation-induced changes revealed by cytological investigations, such as the formation of many-layer granulation tissue within 3 days after surgery, which confirms the acceleration of the wound healing process and the decrease in the intensity of hyperemia and oedema. The formation of granulation tissue in the patients of the control group occurred 4-5 days later. It is concluded that the application of the medicinal hydrogel depo-systems “Kolteks” for the local treatment of postoperative wounds and sinuses ensures the maintenance of medicinal preparations in them in the therapeutically significant concentrations during 24-72 hours.


Natal'ya Khar’kova

Voronezh regional budgetary medical facility “Voronezh State Clinical Hospital N 17”


Marina Gerasimenko

State budgetary medical facility “M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Clinical Institute”


Elena Egorova

A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State Medical Stomatological University

Department of Radiodiagnostics

Natalia Oltarzhevskaya

K.G. Razumovsky Moscow State Univresity of Technology and Management



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