The influence of physiotherapy on the psychological status of the women presenting with climacteric syndrome

  • 作者: Aivazyan T.1, Zaitsev V.2, Yarustovskaya O.3, Yazykova T.1
  • 隶属关系:
    1. Federal state budgetary institution “Russian Research Centre of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneotherapeutics”, Russian Ministry of Health
    2. State budgetary medical institution “Moscow Research and Practical Centre for Medical Rehabilitation, Remedial and Sports Medicine”
    3. State budgetary educational institution of advanced professional education “Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education”, Russian Ministry of Health
  • 期: 卷 12, 编号 4 (2013)
  • 页面: 32-35
  • 栏目: Articles
  • URL:
  • ID: 41377




We carried out the analysis of individual psychological features in 78 women presenting with climacteric syndrome. Special attention was given to dynamics of their psychological status under conditions of physiotherapy. Psychological predictors of the effectiveness of such treatment were detected. It was shown that 74% of the women with climacteric syndrome suffer compromised psychiological adaptation. The degree of manifestation of climacteric syndrome is related to the presence of hypochondric fixations, anxiety disorders, and negative self-appreciation of the state of health. The treatment with the application of physical factors proved to be especially efficacious in the patients having only mild changes of the psychological status before its initiation.


Tat'yana Aivazyan

Federal state budgetary institution “Russian Research Centre of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneotherapeutics”, Russian Ministry of Health


Vadim Zaitsev

State budgetary medical institution “Moscow Research and Practical Centre for Medical Rehabilitation, Remedial and Sports Medicine”

Ol'ga Yarustovskaya

State budgetary educational institution of advanced professional education “Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education”, Russian Ministry of Health

Tat'yana Yazykova

Federal state budgetary institution “Russian Research Centre of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneotherapeutics”, Russian Ministry of Health


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