The methods for the medical rehabilitation of Parkinson’s disease




Parkinson’s disease is the most widespread condition among neurodegenerative diseases. Its management is based on the combined application of different methods. Medical rehabilitation of the patients includes not only basal medicamental therapy and surgical treatment but also physiotherapeutic methods, such as reflexotherapy, remedial gymnastics, speech therapy, and psychotherapy. The application of those physical factors is prescribed when they can be expected to produce the most pronounced beneficial effects on the clinical symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Such factors include balneotherapeutic procedures, thermal and peloid therapy, pulsed currents phototherapy, and barotherapy. The introduction of transcerebral electrotherapy and computed stabilographic programs for bioregulation guided by statokinesograms in the combined treatment of the patients allows the severity of the main clinical symptoms of Parkinson’s diseases to be decreased.


Ekaterina Kornyukhina

Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education



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