The results of trans-cranial application of the low-intensity magneto-laser treatment in the patients presenting with primary open-angle glaucoma




The present study included 134 patients (165 eyes) with stage I, II or III primary open angle glaucoma. The patients of group I n=76, 89 eyes) were treated by transcranial dynamic magnetic therapy and laser therapy by the bitemporal method with the use of the TRNSKRANIO apparatus. Only transcranial dynamic magnetic therapy with the use of the TRNSKRANIO apparatus was used to treat patients of group 2 (n=58, 76 eyes). It was shown that combined magnetic and laser therapy produces a better effect than transcranial magnetic therapy alone when applied to treat primary open angle glaucoma. It improves not only visual function but also bioelectric activity of the visual cortex and intraocular circulation. In group I, the field of vision for the perception of white light enlarged by 56.4% on the average depending on the stage of glaucoma. Relative scotomas disappeared in 58.2% of the cases or 35.7% more frequently than in group 2.


E. Egorov

N.I.Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

T. Kamenskikh

V.I.Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University


Yu. Raigorodsky

Trima Ltd., Saratov


I. Kolbenev

V.I.Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University

I. Kamenskikh

V.I.Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University


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