The combination of the local vibration treatment and transcerebral physiotherapy for the management of pelvic pain syndrome in the women




The present study was designed to demonstrate the possibility of combined application of local and central physiotherapeutic methods for the treatment of women (n = 98) presenting with pelvic pain syndrome (PPS) of different etiology (inflammatory processes in the small pelvis following surgical interventions, dysmenorrhea, ovulatory syndrome). Vibration and the magnetic field were locally applied to the perineal region using an AVIM-1 apparatus. Central treatment included the combination of transcranial magnetic therapy and electrostimulation with the use of an ANO-ATOS-E apparatus. It was shown that the combined application of local and central physiotherapeutic methods in conjunction with medicamental therapy for the relevant indications made it possible to relieve pain syndrome by 64.6%, reduce vegetative dysfunction and disturbances in cerebral circulation by 30% and 18% respectively compared with the control patients. Simultaneously, the main parameters of microcirculation improved by 1.5-2 times while increased general resistance of the organism was documented in 72% of the women included in the study. Taken together, these changes produced the beneficial effect on their reproductive potential and promoted the development of pregnancy.


Lyudmila Tkachenko

Volgograd State Medical University

Yuriy Raigorodsky

TRIMA Ltd., Saratov


Ol'ga Kurushina

Volgograd State Medical University

Galina Makhova

Regional Clinical Hospital, Saratov


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