The application of laserophoresis from "Coletex-AGGDM" for the rehabilitation of patients operated for the treatment of maxillary sinusitis




The results of drug laserophoresis from the "Coletex-AGGDM" clothes for the rehabilitation of patients after sinusotomy for the treatment of maxillary sinusitis are presented. This method permits to control the main components of the pathogenetic process in the patients presenting with maxillary sinusitis following the endoscopic correction of the ostiomeatal complex and/or the natural junction in the middle meatus region. The comparison of the control group comprised of 114 patients given the traditional treatment and 104 patients treated by laserophoresis showed that the latter procedure accelerates alleviation of pain syndrome, recovers aeration of the nasal cavity and maxillary sinus, promotes mucociliary transport and thereby clears the maxillary sinus from foreign agents. Fifty one percent of the patients no longer had complaints within 7 days after surgery.


A. Sipkin

State budgetary health facility “M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute”

M. Gerasimenko

State budgetary health facility “M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute”


A. Nikitin

State budgetary health facility “M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute”

A. Hrykova

State health facility "Children's Clinic № 3", Yaroslavl


E. Fomina

K.G. Razumovsky Moscow State University of Technology and Management


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