


A 2% procaine solution was shown to be efficacious when used to normalize characteristics of lipid peroxidation and oxidative protective system in 90 subjects at the age from 30 to 75 years. The procaine solution was administered by means of electrophoresis or used as mesotherapy at a few points in the collar region. The patients treated by galvanization and placebo mesotherapy constituted the control group. It was shown that the administration of the 2% procaine solution improves characteristics of lipid peroxidation and oxidative protective system. This therapy is likely to slow down the ageing processes.


E. Turova

Federal state budgetary institution “Russian Research Centre of Rehabilitative Medicine and Balneotherapeutics”; Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development; Moscow Research and Practical Centre for Medical Rehabilitation, Restorative, and Sports Medicine, Moscow

T. Konchugova

Federal state budgetary institution “Russian Research Centre of Rehabilitative Medicine and Balneotherapeutics”; Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development; Moscow Research and Practical Centre for Medical Rehabilitation, Restorative, and Sports Medicine, Moscow

E. Balaban

Federal state budgetary institution “Russian Research Centre of Rehabilitative Medicine and Balneotherapeutics”; Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development; Moscow Research and Practical Centre for Medical Rehabilitation, Restorative, and Sports Medicine, Moscow

N. Fadeeva

Federal state budgetary institution “Russian Research Centre of Rehabilitative Medicine and Balneotherapeutics”; Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development; Moscow Research and Practical Centre for Medical Rehabilitation, Restorative, and Sports Medicine, Moscow

канд. мед. наук, докторант отд. восстановительной эндокринологии

A. Golovach

Federal state budgetary institution “Russian Research Centre of Rehabilitative Medicine and Balneotherapeutics”; Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development; Moscow Research and Practical Centre for Medical Rehabilitation, Restorative, and Sports Medicine, Moscow

E. Tenyaeva

Federal state budgetary institution “Russian Research Centre of Rehabilitative Medicine and Balneotherapeutics”; Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development; Moscow Research and Practical Centre for Medical Rehabilitation, Restorative, and Sports Medicine, Moscow


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