


The present clinical and laboratory study included practically healthy volunteers aged from 24 to 33 years whose antioxidant status was estimated before and after the course of general air-cryotherapy. It was shown that the compensatory and adaptive reactions controlling mechanisms of thermoregulation developed after the completion of seven air-cryotherapeutic procedures. Elevation of functional activity of all components of the protective antioxidative system occurred after the 10th procedure. These findings give evidence of the stimulatory effect of the proposed physiotherapeutic modality on the adaptive potential and adaptive resources of the human body. It can be recommended for clinical application as a prophylactic tool for the maintenance of the adequate antioxidant status of blood.


N. Khodarev

Medico-Sanitary Unit, Federal Security Service Department for Rostov Region

нач Rostov-on-Don

N. Zhemchuzhnova

Medico-Sanitary Unit, Federal Security Service Department for Rostov Region

зам. нач., рук. межведомственного учебно-методического центра МСЧ, канд. мед. наук Rostov-on-Don

E. Olempieva

Medico-Sanitary Unit, Federal Security Service Department for Rostov Region

врач клин. лаб. диагностики, д-р мед. наук Rostov-on-Don

M. Zhinko

Medico-Sanitary Unit, Federal Security Service Department for Rostov Region

физиотерапевт Rostov-on-Don

S. Neshin

Medico-Sanitary Unit, Federal Security Service Department for Rostov Region

кардиолог Rostov-on-Don


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