


The laser Doppler flowmetric technique (LDF) was used to study microcirculation in the patients presenting with gastroduodenitis and ulcerative lesions in the stomach and duodenum, eczema, and diabetes mellitus complicated by diabetic angiopathy. Microcirculation in the patients with gastroduodenal pathology was studied in the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum during endoscopic examination. In the remaining patients, it was studied at the surface of the affected skin areas. The estimation of the influence of various ozonotherapeutic modalities on the microhemodynamic processes has demonstrated that ozone has beneficial effect on the main mechanisms controlling capillary blood flow by enhancing the role of active components of vasomotor fluctuations, correcting abnormal characteristics of dopplerograms, and increasing the microcirculation efficacy indices. These data suggest the possibility of introducing ozonotherapy in the combined treatment of the diseases associated with microcirculatory disturbances. An advantage of general and combined ozonotherapy over the local application of ozone has been demonstrated.


A. Kulikov

State budgetary educational institution “Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education”

Email: ag-kulikov@interwave.ru
зав. кафедрой физиотерапии, доктор мед. наук, проф. Moscow


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