The role of the thermal component in the therapeutic action of physical factors




It has been shown in this work that the thermal component of physical and balneological factors in a certain dose range plays an extremely important role in the manifestations of their therapeutic effects. The initial stage of thermoregulatory processes is mediated through thermoreceptors the action of which is realized via triggering adaptive mechanisms of the body at the local and systemic levels. These mechanisms ensure the generalized response to the thermal stimuli. Individual components of this response include stimulation of blood supply of the tissues, their metabolism and regeneration in conjunction with anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and immunoregulatory effects. These effects are attainable on condition of the correct choice of the therapeutic regime and the site of application of the thermal factors taking into consideration contraindications, if any, in each concrete case. It is concluded that infrared and visible radiation from laser and non-laser sources affect hemodynamics in the treated regions by virtue of photochemical stimulation of the synthesis of nitric oxide, a mediator of hemodynamic shifts.


S Zubkova

S Zubkova


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