The application of physical factors for the treatment of coronary heart disease




The coronary heart disease affecting the heart muscular layer is directly related to the disturbance of the balance between the coronary blood flow and the metabolic requirements of myocardium. The physio- and balneotherapeitic procedures exert sedative, spasmolytic, and anticoagulant action, have analgesic effect (due to blockade of pain impulses), improve general and lipid metabolism, and stimulate the contractile function of myocardium. The physical factors intended for therapy of coronary heart disease are chosen taking into account the functional class of angina of effort. Electrophoresis, electric sleep, mesoencephalic modulation, electroanelgesia, alternating low-frequency magnetic fields, and laser irradiation are usually applied to treat aged patients. It is concluded that physiobalneotherapy may be used at all levels of specialized cardiological care (based at hospitals, rehabilitation departments, outpatient clinics, sanatoria, spa and health resort facilities, etc.) under thorough control of properly qualified specialists.


Galina Erokhina

Российская медицинская академия последипломного образования, Москва

доц. каф. физиотерапии РМАПО, канд. мед. наук, тел. 8(495)670-59-08; Российская медицинская академия последипломного образования, Москва

G Erokhina


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