Visible and near-infrared laser radiation for the management of oncological pathology (analysis of experimental studies)




The many-year experience with the use of low-power visible (VIS) and near-infrared (nIR) radiation of lasers, photodiodes, and other sources for medical purposes gives evidence of a large variety of its beneficial effects in humans and animals including anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating, wound-healing, and analgesic action. Nevertheless, certain clinicians (especially oncologists) appear unwilling to use these physiotherapeutic methods for fear of their stimulatory effect on the tumour growth and the development of metastases. Many are unaware that these phototherapeutic techniques are extensively used in the investigations with the use of experimental neoplasm models, e.g. in animals with transplanted malignant tumours. In the present paper, we summarize the relevant materials accumulated during the past 30 years and pertaining to the effect of the above forms of radiation on the neoplastic growth and the spread of metastases in laboratory animals after transplantation of different malignant tumours. The overwhelming majority of the studies indicate that VIS and nIR radiation applied in therapeutic doses normally used to promote wound healing in animals and humans slows down (rather than accelerates) the neoplastic growth rate and downregulates tumour dissemination. Moreover, both phototherapeutic modalities applied in combination with chemo- and radiotherapy tend to enhance their anti-tumourigenic efficacy.


N Knyazev

Институт цитологии РАН

аспирант ин-та цитологии РАН, лаб. фотобиологии животной клетки; Институт цитологии РАН

K Samoylova

Институт цитологии РАН

руководитель группы фотобиологии ин-та цитологии РАН, д-р биол. наук, проф; Институт цитологии РАН

A Zimin

Институт цитологии РАН

мл. науч. сотр. ин-та цитологии РАН; Институт цитологии РАН

N Knyazev

K Samoilova

A Zimin


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