The use of heated oxygen-helium mixture in patients with arterial hypertension




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BACKGROUND: The spread of arterial hypertension is associated with the presence of such risk factors as smoking, excess body weight, violation of lipid metabolism, the current psycho-emotional load.

AIMS: to assess the effectiveness of the use of heated oxygen-helium mixture in the rehabilitation of patients with arterial hypertension at the outpatient polyclinic stage.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: The supervision was 67 people aged from 40 to 56 years (48.25±4.12 years old) with a verified diagnosis: arterial hypertension I and II art., Low and medium risk, the duration of the disease was 7 years to 15 years (8.98±2.2 years). Patients were divided into two groups: I Group (n=35) — the main, patients underwent a course of rehabilitation with the inclusion of oxygen-helium mixture; group II (n=32) — comparisons, patients underwent a course of rehabilitation without the use of mixture. Breathing was carried out in cyclical and fractionated mode: the breathing mixture is 5 minutes then breathing with atmospheric air 5 minutes (one cycle), 3 such cycles for the procedure. The course of treatment consisted of 1 procedure per day within 10 days from the first day of the study.

To assess the clinical efficiency of reducing treatment, the study was carried out before the start of regenerative treatment and at the end of the course. The effectiveness of this method was assessed by the following indicators: assessment of vegetative status using cardiac rhythm variability indicators; evaluation of blood flow and elastic-elastic properties in the distal arteries of the lower extremities; evaluation of the adaptation of the cardiovascular system to physical exertion with the help of the Harvard Step test, a 6-minute walking test; the level of cortisol in saliva was determined using the immunosyluminescence method; the level of depression and anxiety.

RESULTS: In the main group of patients, there was a positive dynamics in the form of normalization of vegetative status, an increase in the activity of the parasympathetic department of the autonomic nervous system, a decrease in the tone of the sympathetic nervous system, the improvement of elastic properties at the level of the distal arteries of the leg (rear tibial artery, the artery of the foot). After the course of respiration, an increase in physical exhaust tolerance was revealed from the patients examined with arterial hypertension, which passed the respiratory rate of heated oxygen-helium mixture and increase the speed of adaptation processes of recovery of the cardiovascular system after exercise. This analysis of the dynamics of the level of cortisol in saliva demonstrated a tendency to reduce the level in patients of the main group. The results of the study indicate the improvement of the psycho-emotional state of patients with arterial hypertension.

CONCLUSION: The use of heated oxygen-helium mixture has a positive effect on the functional state of patients with arterial hypertension.


Natalia Bobkina

N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5347-0135
俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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2. Fig. Distance in the 6-minute walk test (main group).

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