Application of comprehensive rehabilitation programs after radical treatment of prostate cancer

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Background. The main side effect of most of the methods of treating prostate cancer is incontinence of urine in varying degrees of severity. Although in most cases incontinence is a temporary phenomenon, this problem occurs in 39–63% of patients during the first two years after treatment, and about 24–56% of patients have to use urological pads or condoms. Incontinence of urine is also a serious psychological traumatic factor, which has аn extremely negative effect on patients quality of life.

Aim: to substantiate the effectiveness of the use of complex rehabilitation programs in the correction of urinary incontinence in men who have undergone radical treatment for prostate cancer.

Materials and methods. The study included patients with stage I–III prostate cancer, mean age 55 ± 6 years, with complications after radical prostatectomy for at least 2 months without a tendency to improve in the form of moderate and severe urinary incontinence.

Results. The combined technique of correction of urinary incontinence, modified by us, using neuromuscular stimulation, physiotherapy exercises and psychocorrectional exercises, has demonstrated its effectiveness in improving the quality of life in this group of patients.

Conclusions. The combined technique of correction of an incontience of urine with use of neuromuscular stimulation, physiotherapy exercises and the psychocorrection of occupations is presented in this article, the assessment of efficiency of this comprehensive program of rehabilitation, and also improvement of quality of life of patients is carried out.

About the authors

Alexander V. Yashkov

Samara State Medical University

Author for correspondence.

DSc., Prof

Russian Federation, Samara

Tatyana A. Sivokhina

Samara State Medical University; Samara Regional Clinical Oncology Dispensary



Russian Federation, Samara; Samara

Svetlana A. Burmistrova

Samara Regional Clinical Oncology Dispensary

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2198-6767
Russian Federation, Samara

Natalia G. Rybakova

Samara Regional Clinical Oncology Dispensary

Russian Federation, Samara


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