Resort factors and system magnetic therapy at ischemic heart disease associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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The purpose of the research is to develop a new method of medical rehabilitation of patients suffering from ischemic heart disease (IHD) associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) in the conditions of Essentuki resort.

Materials and methods. The study included 60 patients between the ages of 35 and 65 years old suffering from IHD associated with DM2 who took a course of sanatorium rehabilitation in sanatorium "Metallurg" (Essentuki). By simple randomization 2 groups of patients were formed. In the comparison group there were 40 people. They were prescribed: internal intake of mineral water Essentuki-Novaya, carbon dioxide mineral baths; in the main group there were 42 people. They were prescribed systemic magnetic therapy in addition. All the patients went through clinical-laboratory and functional studies, assessment of quality of life.

Results. Under the influence of system magnetic therapy there is a significant positive dynamics of coagulation hemostasis which is accompanied by the improvement of lipid metabolism, central hemodynamics and quality of life of this category of patients.

Conclusion. The significant positive dynamics of coagulation hemostasis, central hemodynamics and quality of life indicates the expediency of including system magnetic therapy in the complex of resort treatment of IHD complicated by DM2.

About the authors

Andrey P. Demchenko

Sanatorium «Metallurg»



Russian Federation, Essentuki

Natalia V. Efimenko

North Caucasian Federal Scientific Clinical Centre of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7005-8927
SPIN-code: 8041-7520

DSc, Prof.

Russian Federation, Essentuki

Elena N. Chalaya

North Caucasian Federal Scientific Clinical Centre of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency

SPIN-code: 1084-2875


Russian Federation, Essentuki

Nelli K. Akhubekova

North Caucasian Federal Scientific Clinical Centre of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency

SPIN-code: 3008-8175

DSc, Prof.

Russian Federation, Essentuki

Alla S. Dzhioeva

North Caucasian Federal Scientific Clinical Centre of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency

SPIN-code: 4168-4271


Russian Federation, Essentuki


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Рис. 1. Динамика основной клинической симптоматики: * — p < 0,05 достоверность между группами до и после курортного лечения. ЛК — лечебный комплекс.

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3. Рис. 2. Динамика лабораторных показателей: * — р < 0,05 и ** — р < 0,01 — достоверность различий по сравнению с показателями до лечения; # — р < 0,05 — достоверность различий по сравнению с показателями у здоровых лиц; ″ — р < 0,05 — достоверность различий относительно показателей ГС. b-ЛП — бета-липопротеины; ЛПВП — липопротеины высокой плотности; ЛПНП — липопротеины низкой плотности.

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4. Рис. 3. Динамика показателей ЭхоКГ: * — р < 0,05 — достоверность различий по сравнению с показателями до лечения.

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5. Рис. 4. Динамика показателей качества: * — р < 0,05 — достоверность различий по сравнению с показателями до лечения; # — р < 0,05 — достоверность различий по сравнению с показателями у здоровых лиц.

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