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The article briefly describes the modern views on the main causes of nonneoplastic melanin hyperpigmentation of the skin and also consider various types of laser and light therapy and effective combination of some methods of treatment. Under observation were 30 patients with nonneoplastic hyperpigmentation of the skin on both sides of the face (solar lentigo, ephelides, melasma, posttraumatic hyperpigmentation), skin type I-III. Patients were treated with using a neodymium laser (1064 nm) with low fluence per half of the face and an alexandrite laser (755 nm) with low fluence to the other half of the face in the same procedure. A total of 4 procedures were performed with a weekly interval. Both variants of therapy were equally effective in the treatment of nonneoplastic melanin hyperpigmentation of the skin and showed a high safety profile.

About the authors

Evgeniya Vladimirovna Ikonnikova

Federal state budgetary institution of additional professional education «Central State Medical Academy», Presidential Administration of the President of Russian Federation

assistant, Department of dermatology and cosmetology, Federal state budgetary institution of additional professional education «Central State Medical Academy», Presidential Administration of the President of Russian Federation, Moscow 121359, Moscow, Russia

N. V Korchazhkina

Federal state budgetary institution of additional professional education «Central State Medical Academy», Presidential Administration of the President of Russian Federation

121359, Moscow, Russia

A. G Stenko

OJSC «Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology»

105066, Moscow, Russia


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