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Lichen planus refers to a common chronic inflammatory diseases of the skin. From lichen planus suffers 0.1% to 2.4% of the population. In most patients, the process has a tendency to relapsing course, and the methods of relief of exacerbations mainly include the use of corticosteroids, which have side effects. In recent years there have been few studies of the effectiveness of narrowband ultraviolet therapy, polychromatic polarized light, however, the problem of therapy of patients with lichen planus remains relevant. Under our observation there were 62 patients in age from 20 to 54 years with different clinical forms of lichen planus. Patients of the main group additionally received pulsed polarized light therapy and a topical inhibitor of calcineurin, patients of comparison groups received pulsed polarized light therapy or a topical inhibitor of calcineurin. Evaluation of effectiveness was based on clinical (dermatological indexes) and special methods (biochemical, immunological). The use of the combined method in patients with lichen planus caused high therapeutic and preventive effects, as evidenced by the improvement indices dermatologicaly status and improving the quality of life, positive dynamics of the content of histamine, expression of Toll-receptors according to the direct and remote observations.

About the authors

Roman Nikolayevich Levshin

State healthcare institution «Elets city dermatovenerologic dispensary»

MD, PhD, Elets city dermatovenerologic dispensary, Elets. 399782, Elets, Russia

K. Yu Fedotova

State budgetary healthcare institution of Moscow «Moscow scientific-practical center of dermatovenereology and cosmetology», Department of healthcare of Moscow»

127473, Moscow, Russia

K. V Kotenko

Federal state budgetary institution of additional professional education «Central State Medical Academy», Presidential Administration of the President of Russian Federation

121359, Moscow, Russia


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