Osteoarthrosis: the principles and strategies of the application of the therapeutic physical training techniques

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The important role in the treatment of diseases of joints, such as osteoarthrosis, belongs to the physical exercises including rhythmic mobilization, movements with the voluntary muscular contractions, alternation of the work of various muscles, and reversion of their antagonists. The inclusion of these exercises into a complex of remedial gymnastics developed on an individual basis results in the considerable alleviation of the symptoms of pain syndrome and the reduction of the time needed to restore normal movements.

About the authors

Aleksandr Gennad’evich Kulikov

State budgetary institution of additional professional education “Russian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education”

Email: ag-kulikov@mail.ru
doctor med. sci., head of Department of Physiotherapy and Medical Rehabilitation, State budgetary institution of additional professional education “Russian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education 125993, Moscow, Russian Federation

I. N Makarova

State budgetary institution of additional professional education “Russian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education”

125993, Moscow, Russian Federation

I. I Yagodina

State budgetary institution of additional professional education “Russian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education”

125993, Moscow, Russian Federation

O. V Yarustovskaya

State budgetary institution of additional professional education “Russian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education”

125993, Moscow, Russian Federation


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