The state of the thymus and bone marrow in the rats following laser irradiation of the skeletal muscles and physical load on the irradiated animals

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We have evaluated the state of the skeletal muscles, thymus, and bone marrow before and after laser irradiation of the rats and following the physical load on the irradiated animals. In the first experiment, both hind limbs of each rat in the region of projection of gastrocnemius muscles were subjected to 5 sessions of infrared laser irradiation at a dose of 11.70-12.60 J/ during 12 days with the use of a He-Ne laser. In the second experiment, the similarly irradiated rats were subjected to physical load in the form of swimming during 30 minutes. The histological, morphometric, cytological, and cytogenetic analysis have demonstrated that the muscle mass of the animals involved in the two experiments did not change. At the same time, laser irradiation caused the impairment of the function of the thymus and bone marrow. This effect was even more pronounced when the animals underwent the combined influence of laser irradiation and physical load. The ana-telophase assay revealed a rise in the number of cells with aberrant mitoses in the two organs of the immune system. It is concluded that in order to reduce the possible unfavourable consequences of laser therapy for the skeletal muscles preceding the physical load/training, it is necessary to choose the optimal dose of radiation and develop a sparing regime of laser irradiation taking into consideration the initial state of the organism.

About the authors

Nelli V. Bulyakova

Federal state budgetary institution of science “A.N. Severtsov Institute of Problems of Ecology and Evolution”, Russian Academy of Sciences

119071, Moscow, Russia

V. S Azarova

Federal state budgetary institution of science “A.N. Severtsov Institute of Problems of Ecology and Evolution”, Russian Academy of Sciences

119071, Moscow, Russia


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