Physical and rehabilitative medicine: fundamental principles and clinical practice

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This article was designed to present an overview of experimental and clinical studies making up a basis for the formulation of the fundamental principles of physical medicine. The analysis of the fundamental mechanisms of sanogenesis underlying medical rehabilitation has been undertaken which allowed to define the main lines of scientific and practical developments in physical and rehabilitative medicine as a new field of practical medicine concerned with the action of physical methods and factors on the human body when applied for the treatment and medical rehabilitation of the diseased and disabled subjects. The basic methodological approaches to this work are substantiated in the context of modern personalized and evidence-based medicine taking into consideration the totality of the currently available rehabilitative technologies and the prospects for their further development and introduction into the existing healthcare system applied in Russia.

About the authors

Gennadiy Nikolaevich Ponomarenko

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy

doctor med. sci., professor, head of Department of Balneotherapy and Physiotherapy (with the course of medical rehabilitation), S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, chief balneotherapist and physiotherapist of the Russian Ministry of Defense 194044, Saint-Petersburg, Russia


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