The evaluation of the effectiveness of the treatment of psoriasis and circumscribed scleroderma by means of pulsed laser therapy based on the results of high-frequency ultrasound scanning and the analysis of skin indices

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This paper was designed to report the data concerning the effectiveness of the method of pulsed laser therapy used to treat the patients presenting with moderately severe torpid psoriasis and local scleroderma. The results of the study give evidence of the high effectiveness of this therapeutic modality as apparent from the values of the dermatological indices and the results of high-frequency ultrasound scanning. Also, a high degree of correlation has been demonstrated between the values of the dermatological indices and the bacterial asymmetry coefficients of the skin parameters developed for the application together with the high-frequency ultrasound scanning technique.

About the authors

N. N Potekaev

Moscow Research and Practical Centre of Dermatovenerology and Cosmetology, Moscow Health Department

119071, Москва

Yu. A Sapozhnikova

Moscow Research and Practical Centre of Dermatovenerology and Cosmetology, Moscow Health Department

119071, Москва


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