The experience with the application of multi-level electrical stimulation for the rehabilitation of the patients presenting with the spinal cord lesions

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A new priority method for the rehabilitation of the patients presenting with the spinal cord lesions caused by mechanical injuries, vascular disorders, and benign tumours is described. The present study included 12 patients at the age varying from 17 to 72 years who had undergone the surgical treatment in the preceding period. The proposed method consists of sequential stimulation of the spinal cord and the denervated organs (paralyzed limbs, urinary bladder) with the use of a MV 6.03 electrostimulator producing unipolar pulsed electrical current with a frequency of 50 ± 4 Hz, pulse duration of 2.5 ms, and voltage 10-40 V (up to 20 pulses per train with the exponential pause modulation). Large-size electrodes were used. The patients described the stimulation procedure as convenient and painless. Its application resulted in a substantial improvement of the spinal cord functions in 7 patients and their moderate improvement in 5 others. The treatment resulted in the increase of the range of motions in the limbs, the enhancement of the muscular strength, the restoration of sensitivity in the lower extremities and of the functions of the urinary bladder. These clinical observations were confirmed by the optimized results of electroneuromyographic studies. It is concluded that the proposed method makes it possible to improve the quality of restoration of the spinal cord functions due to normalization of the links between the central regulatory systems and the denervated organs.

About the authors

Tat’yana G. Tyshkevich

Federal state budgetary institution of science “N.P. Bekhtereva Institute of Human Brain”, Russian Academy of Sciences

197376, Sankt-Peterburg

V. V Kir’yanova

State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education “I.I. Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University”, Russian Ministry of Health

191015, Sankt-Peterburg

V. E Markelov


185000, Petrozavodsk


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