The development of up-to-date health promotion programs for the enhancement of the functional reserves of the body in the students engaged in active sports activities

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The present study was designed to evaluate the possibility of health protection in the students engaged in active sports activities laying emphasis on the application of the non-medicamental technologies for the optimization and enhancement of the functional reserves of physical health. The study involved 320 students at the age from 18 to 21 years. At the first stage, the students engaged and unengaged in active sports activities were compared in terms of their functional conditions with the control healthy subjects. At the second stage, the students involved in active sports activities were included in the complex health promotion program to undergo reflex-segmental, vacuum-interference, and general treatment, such as combined application of a pulsed low-frequency electrostatic field, baths containing biologically active compounds of plant origin (components of horse chestnut) and monotherapy. Comparative analysis of the results of these investigations has demonstrated the advantages of the complex health promotion program confirmed by normalization of the vitality index, Robinson’s index, and Martine-Kushelevsky test as well as integral index dynamics to the respective reference values. The results of the study give evidence that the methods of general treatment cause a more apparent increase of the studied parameters than reflexo-segmental ones.

About the authors

Irina Ivanovna Ivanova

Federal state budgetary institution A.I. Burnazyan Federal Medico-Biological Centre, Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency; Moscow State Mountain University

Institute of Postgraduate Professional Education; Health and Recreation Resort of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education Moscow State Mountain University Москва

Konstantin Valentinovich Kotenko

Federal state budgetary institution A.I. Burnazyan Federal Medico-Biological Centre, Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency; Moscow State Mountain University

Institute of Postgraduate Professional Education; Health and Recreation Resort of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education Moscow State Mountain University Москва

Natal’ya Borisovna Korchazhkina

Federal state budgetary institution A.I. Burnazyan Federal Medico-Biological Centre, Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency; Moscow State Mountain University

Institute of Postgraduate Professional Education; Health and Recreation Resort of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education Moscow State Mountain University Москва


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