Locomotor rehabilitation of the patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease

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The importance of the development of the methods for the combined medical rehabilitation with the use of non-medicamental technologies designed to improve the social and living adaptation and the quality of life of the patients presenting with Parkinson’s disease (PD) arises from the absence of the programs for their longterm combined locomotor rehabilitation. In this context, the development of such programs appears to be a top-priority objective. It can be achieved with the use of the methods currently applied in clinical practice for the improvement of the locomotor functions, such as therapeutic physical exercises, treadmill training, Nordic walking, tempo-rhythmic correction of the gait, dance therapy, Tai Chi gymnastics, and ergotherapy.

About the authors

Natal’ya B. Korchazhkina

Федеральный медико-биологический центр им. А.И. Бурназяна ФМБА России

Email: fmbc-fmba@bk.ru
Department of Rehabilitative Medicine, Sports Medicine, Therapeutic Physical Training, Balneology and Physiotherapy in collaboration with Department of Neurology, A.I. Burnazyan Institute of Post-Graduate Professional Education, Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency Moscow

K. V Kotenko

Федеральный медико-биологический центр им. А.И. Бурназяна ФМБА России

Department of Rehabilitative Medicine, Sports Medicine, Therapeutic Physical Training, Balneology and Physiotherapy in collaboration with Department of Neurology, A.I. Burnazyan Institute of Post-Graduate Professional Education, Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency Moscow

G. F Gubaidullina

Федеральный медико-биологический центр им. А.И. Бурназяна ФМБА России

Department of Rehabilitative Medicine, Sports Medicine, Therapeutic Physical Training, Balneology and Physiotherapy in collaboration with Department of Neurology, A.I. Burnazyan Institute of Post-Graduate Professional Education, Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency Moscow


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