The application of polychromatic laser speckle-stimulation for the pleoptic treatment of the children presenting with ambliopia

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The objective of present study was the comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of the treatment of the children presenting with ambliopia with the application of polychromatic laser speckle-stimulation at different wavelengths. It was shown that the pleoptic treatment enhanced the acuity of vision in all groups of the patients. The best results were achieved in the group undergoing polychromatic laser stimulation based on the combination of the speckle light fields in the red and green wavelength range.

About the authors

Julija Vladimirovna Matrosova

Federal state budgetary institution “Academician S.N. Fedorov Medical Research and Technical Complex of Eye Microsurgery”


Oleg L'vovich Fabrikantov

Federal state budgetary institution “Academician S.N. Fedorov Medical Research and Technical Complex of Eye Microsurgery”; Medical Institute of G.R. Derzhavin Tambov State University

Yuriy Mikhaylovich Raigorodsky

“TRIMA” Ltd.



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