Comprehensive physiotherapeutic rehabilitation of the newborn infants with the affected central nervous system

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The rate of preterm births remains rather high. Many prematurely bom infants present with a variety of neurologic and somatic abnormalities which hampers their socialization and deteriorate the quality of life. Hypoxia is one of the key mechanisms underlying the development of perinatal CNS diseases. It leads not only to the changes in cerebral blood circulation but also to hyperbilirubinemia that occurs in 60-80% of the newborn babies and, in its turn, exerts the negative action on cerebral circulation during the early neonatal period. Hence, the necessity of efficacious methods for the rehabilitative treatment. The present clinical and neurophysiological study included 90 prematurely born infants at the age from 2 to 28 days presenting with hyperbilirubinemia and cerebral ischemia. It was shown that the successive application of phototherapy and a traveling pulsed magnetic field significantly (two-fold) enhances the effectiveness of the rehabilitative treatment.

About the authors

O. S Panina

State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education “V.I. Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University”, Russian Ministry of Health


Yu. V Cherenkov

State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education “V.I. Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University”, Russian Ministry of Health

Yu. M Raigorodsky

“TRIMA” Ltd.



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