Laser therapy and prevention of duodenal ulcer disease

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Treatment of the patients presenting with duodenal ulcer diseases remains a challenging problem because of high prevalence of this clinical condition and the short duration of its remission following therapy by standard methods. Laser therapy of this chronic disease has been successfully applied during the past 30 years. Nevertheless, the approaches to optimization of its different modalities and prevention of exacerbation or complications of duodenal ulcer disease with the use of the multifrequency modulation regime synchronized with the patient’s biological rhythms remain to be developed. The present work has demonstrated that the introduction of laser therapy in the multifrequency modulation regime (pulse and respiration rates, 10 Hz) into the therapeutic program for the patients with duodenal ulcer disease substantially improves both the immediate and long-term outcomes of the treatment. It was shown that multifrequency modulation of low-intensity pulsed infrared laser radiation at a wavelength of 890 nm has an advantage over the single-frequency regime and allows the results of laser therapy to be optimized in the majority of the cases. The application of laser therapy in the seasons when exacerbation of the disease is most probable (spring and autumn) practically excludes relapses of duodenal ulcer disease; this gives indirect evidence of the relationship between the processes of regulation of calcium homeostasis and endogenous/exogenous biological rhythms.

About the authors

S. V Moskvin

Federal state budgetary institution “State Research Centre of Laser Medicine of the Federal Medico-Biological Agency“, Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development


P. I Zakharov

City Clinical Hospital No 207



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