The application of fluctuating currents for the combined treatment of the children presenting with congenital malformations of the sigmoid colon

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The results of the present study provided a basis for the development of a new method for the combined medical rehabilitation of the children presenting with congenital malformations of the sigmoid colon using fluctuating currents that are known to activate the motor-evacuation function of the large intestine and anal sphincter. The associated changes are of great importance for the normalization of the passage of fecal masses through the intestines, relief of constipation and arrest of encopresis. An original approach to the choice of the fluctuorization method is proposed taking into consideration the functional state of abdominal, dorsal, and anal muscles and the presence or absence of the surgical intervention in the preceding period. The high diagnostic value of laser spectrophotometry and extensive electrodiagnostics of abdominal oblique muscles, rectus abdominis muscle, and exterior anal sphincter has been demonstrated. These methods allow to elucidate peculiarities of the functional muscular activity in the patients presenting with congenital malformations of the sigmoid colon taking into account the data obtained during evaluation of the functional activity of the large intestine, specific characteristics of its microflora, the state of the neuro-muscular apparatus, and microcirculation in the anterior abdominal wall and the anus.


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