Physical oceanography

Peer reviewed scientific journal.

Journal Identifiers

ISSN (online): 1573-160X

Media registration certificate: ЭЛ № ФС77-65561 from 04.05.2016

Founder: Federal State Budget Scientific Institution Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS

Editor-in-Chief: Konovalov Sergey K., Corresponding member of RAS, Doctor of Sc.

Frequency / Access: 6 issues per year / Open

Included in: White List (2nd level), Higher Attestation Commission List, RISC, Scopus

Journal Focus

The Journal publishes original research results, review articles (at the editorial board's request) and brief reports on the following sections of hydrophysics:

  • Thermohydrodynamics of the ocean and atmosphere
  • Analysis of observational results and methods of calculation of ocean hydrophysical fields
  • Experimental and expeditionary studies
  • Satellite hydrophysics
  • Mathematical modelling of marine systems
  • Automation of scientific research of the seas and oceans


  • Familiarisation of the world and Russian scientific community with the results of theoretical, experimental, and expeditionary studies of the World Ocean
  • Exchange of scientific information, experience, research, and observation data with specialists from different regions of the country and abroad
  • Increase of publication activity of national authors, rating of scientific organisations of Russia, and level of national publications in the world scientific community according to their citation data
  • Theoretical and practical assistance to scientists in preparing articles for printing that meet modern requirements of publication and scientific ethics
  • Strengthening the popularity and authority of the publication, increasing the number of regular subscribers

Publication Details

Periodicity of the journal is 6 issues a year.

Journal is on the LIST of peer reviewed academic journals of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, where one may publish main research results of a Ph.D. thesis.


The Journal is indexed in:

  • Google Scholar
  • Web of Science (ESCI)
  • Scopus (Q3 (Geophysics, Oceanology))
  • EBSCO Publishing
  • ASFA (Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts/FAO/ProQuest)

General Information

Journal Coverage: the Russian Federation, other countries.

Publication Languages: Russian, English

Submission Guidelines


The editorial board provides neither chargeable nor agent services. The Journal does not work with agents. Only authors themselves may submit articles. The authors pay no fee. Acceleration of article publication is not available.

The editorial board does not consider manuscripts that have been simultaneously submitted to any other journals. Nor does it consider papers, a significant part of which has already been published as an article or part of another paper. In case of the above mentioned situation, the editorial board will be compelled to investigate the case and take measures including retraction of such articles according to COPE Retraction Guidelines and ASEP Article Retraction Rules.

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