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Том 50, № 3 (2016)

Hydrotechnical Construction

Improving the Investment Potential of the Evenkiiskaya HPP When Working Jointly with HPPS of the Volga – Kama Cascade

Aleksandrovskii A., Soldatkin A., Volkov D.


The capability is studied of improving the investment potential of the Evenkiiskaya HPP by using the power it generates in the United Power System of the European part of Russia by transitioning to a compensated electrical regime of water reservoir resource usage. A quantitative assessment of Evenkiiskaya HPP usage is presented using daily load demand. Increasing the guaranteed HPP power is proposed as an alternative to new nuclear power stations.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2016;50(3):235-239
pages 235-239 views


An Advanced Technology for Stabilizing Dust Producing Surfaces of Built-Up Technogenic Massifs During Their Operation

Strizhenok A., Ivanov A.


The goal of this research was to develop an advanced technology for stabilizing exposed shore fronts and sides of embankments of built-up technogenic massifs using a binding reagent (mainly a bitumen emulsion) through the development of a hovercraft-based fast-response mobile dust-suppression complex that exhibits good terrain-crossing capability over water-saturated soil with low load-bearing capability. The article presents a description and specific design features for a fast-response mobile dust-suppression complex, and describes its principle of operation.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2016;50(3):240-243
pages 240-243 views

Substantiation of Soil-Filled Structure Parameters Using Numerical Methods

Kasharina T., Kasharin D., Godin M.


Questions related to the substantiation of the parameters of soil-filled structures that use polymer nanocomposites are examined.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2016;50(3):244-247
pages 244-247 views

Estimate of Remaining Operating Lifetime of Penstock Metal Lining with Due Regard for Its Actual Thickness

Levina S., Novkunskii A., Shevchenko Y.


A method is examined for estimating remaining penstock metal lining operating lifetime with due regard for all conditions in which it operates. An estimate is presented for the remaining operating lifetime of penstock metal lining at the penstocks of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, with due regard for actual lining thickness.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2016;50(3):248-253
pages 248-253 views

Finite Length Vortex Inflow-Cylinder of Uniform Intensity Distribution Located on an Infinite Impermeable Cylinder

Mikhailov I.


Potential flow is considered in a cylindrical coordinate system (r, z, θ), caused by a vortex filament located on the z-axis and a finite length vortex inflow-cylinder of uniform intensity distribution located on an infinite impermeable cylinder, the centerline of which coincides with the z axis, in infinite space filled with an ideal liquid. Equipotential surface (line) equations and flow surfaces (lines) are given, along with relations for determining velocity components. It is shown that the flow lines caused by a vortex inflow-cylinder lie on the flow surfaces created generated by the inflow-cylinder. Equations are given that allow lines of total flow to be projected onto planes normal to the z axis using the finite difference method. It is noted that the shape of the flow lines on the respective flow surfaces depend only on the ratio of the vortex filament intensity to inflow-cylinder flow rate.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2016;50(3):254-258
pages 254-258 views

Analysis of the Effect of Metal Lining Defects on the Technical Condition of Penstocks

Shevchenko Y., Semenov Y., Shtil’man V.


Numerous inspections of HPP penstocks reveal typical defects in metal liners that appeared during penstock construction and operation. This paper analyzes such defects with the aim of estimating their effect on the remaining operating life of penstocks.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2016;50(3):259-262
pages 259-262 views

Automated System of Diagnostic Monitoring at Bureya HPP Hydraulic Engineering Installations: a New Level of Safety

Musyurka A.


This article presents the design, hardware, and software solutions developed and placed in service for the automated system of diagnostic monitoring (ASDM) for hydraulic engineering installations at the Bureya HPP, and assuring a reliable process for monitoring hydraulic engineering installations. Project implementation represents a timely solution of problems addressed by the hydraulic engineering installation diagnostics section.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2016;50(3):263-268
pages 263-268 views

Hydraulic Studies of a Model for the Additional Spillway at the Maina Hydraulic Installation (Left-Bank Variant)

Bukhartsev V., Lavrov N., Frolova I., Togo I., Isichenko B., Nenakhova O.


The paper presents the results of hydraulic studies of the model for the left-bank variant of the additional spillway in the Maina hydraulic installation performed with the aim of justification of the designed discharge capacity. Similarity criteria of hydraulic modeling and calculation results are given.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2016;50(3):269-274
pages 269-274 views

Trajectory-Diffusive Mechanism of Desilt Basin Operation

Verbitskii V.


Within the framework of the generalized theory of turbulent diffusion, we consider the mean velocities, times, length of alternating transverse up-and-down motion of suspended particles in sediment exhibiting different settling velocities and fluid particles in calm uniform wide open flows. Experimental data obtained by various authors are used to find the maximum heights and lengths of particle saltation in the thin near-bottom region, as well as the magnitude of the dynamic flow velocity, which triggers the motion of particles on the bottom. From the combined trajectory description of particle motion in sediments of different settling velocities over the entire depth of an open flow, the trajectory limit settling velocity of suspended sediments deposited in a rectilinear desilt basin may be determined and, within the framework of relaxation models, the length of silting and erosion at the bottom may be found.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2016;50(3):275-289
pages 275-289 views

Thermal Tests of LMS100 Gas-Turbine Units at the Dzhubga Thermal Power Plant

Ol’khovskii G., Radin Y., Ageev A., Chertkov A.


Test results at different loads and ambient temperatures for LMS100 PB gas-turbine units at the Dzhubga thermal power plant are discussed. The performance indicators for these gas turbine units and their turbine equipment, combustion chambers, and air cooling systems are determined. The gas-turbine units produce the design power (normally about 90 MW, and up to 95 – 99 MW when necessary) with a gross efficiency of 42.3 – 42.7% with moderate (no more than 20 – 35 mg/m3) atmospheric emissions of nitrogen oxides (under normal conditions). The differences in the performance of individual components of the gas-turbine units are within the limits of error in the measurements.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2016;50(3):294-302
pages 294-302 views

Modernization of the UG2-3-26 Electrostatic Precipitator to Increase its Operating Efficiency

Zhuikov A.


A large amount of combustion products, including ash, is released into the atmosphere during combustion of solid fuels in boilers. A major task is to reduce the emissions of ash in the atmosphere as much as possible. This article describes a reconstruction of an electrostatic precipitator for medium power boilers in which the ash collectors can be modernized to increase their operating efficiency. This redesign, with initial charging of ash particles, differs from similar systems in its simplicity and cheapness. Recommendations are given for operation of electrostatic precipitators and the results of a reconstruction of an ash collector system are described. This reconstruction method can be used in solid fuel-fired boilers equipped with electrostatic precipitators.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2016;50(3):303-305
pages 303-305 views

Reduction of Fire Hazard in Materials for Irrigators and Water Collectors in Cooling Towers

Smirnov N., Konstantinova N., Gordon E., Poedintsev E.


A way of reducing the fire hazard of PVC film used to make cooling-tower irrigators and water collectors is examined. A new generation of fire retardant, nanostructured magnesium hydroxide, is used to impart fire retardant properties. The fabrication technology is optimized with a roller-calendering manufacturing technique, and the permissible ranges of fire hazard indicators for materials in irrigators and water collectors are determined.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2016;50(3):306-308
pages 306-308 views

Estimation of the Natural Frequencies of Turbogenerator Busbars

Petrenya Y., Antonyuk O., Gavrilov S.


The objective of this study is to give an understanding of how the natural frequencies and modes of the end-winding components in high-power turbogenerators can be determined. Results from an analysis of various methods are presented, and the main factors that hamper the computation of the natural frequencies with accuracy required for practical purposes are identified. Finite-element 3D modeling was performed to determine the natural frequencies of the outputs and a part of the stator bus ring. It is shown that the calculated frequencies are strongly dependent on the accuracy of modeling the boundary conditions. To improve the accuracy of numerical modeling, it is necessary to use bench and full-scale test data.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2016;50(3):309-312
pages 309-312 views

Effect of the Fineness of Pulverized Coal on the Slagging and Fouling Properties of Fly Ash1

Alekhnovich A., Chernetskiy M., Bogomolov V.


On the understanding that the characteristics of the gas flow have a major contribution to slagging, a change in the fineness of pulverized coal necessitates taking into account the change in the properties of fly ash, which can either improve or worsen the slagging situation. A decrease in the pulverized coal particle size leads to a reduction of the fly ash particle size, an intensification of the formation of friable deposits, and an increase in the degree of conversion of pyrite to solid iron oxides. This reduces or prevents the formation of strong primary deposits and critical slagging situations. The smaller the dust particles, ceteris paribus, the lower the slagging rate. Unlike coarser pulverized coal, the strength of deposits increases due to sintering and decreases due to sulphatization.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2016;50(3):313-317
pages 313-317 views

Numerical-Experimental Studies of the Heat Transfer in an Air-Cooled Condenser Model

Sukhanov V., Bezukhov A., Bogov I., Tolmachev V.


The results of combined numerical-experimental studies of the heat-transfer process in an air-cooled condenser (ACC) model are presented. The range of coordination of rational values of the average heat-transfer coefficient from air-steam mixture to tubes \( {\overline{\upalpha}}_{\mathrm{asm}} \) the average velocity of air-steam mixture entering the ACC for different temperatures of cooling air, and typical ranges of condensate depression temperatures is scientifically substantiated. A method and an algorithm for determining rational values of \( {\overline{\upalpha}}_{\mathrm{asm}} \) are outlined.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2016;50(3):318-322
pages 318-322 views

New Amine Water Treatment at the VAZ TPP

Gridchin A., Mozharenko O., Popov A.


The technical and economical aspects of the operation of the heat-exchange equipment at the VAZ TPP with conventional hydrazine and new amine water treatment programs are discussed. The water treatment programs are compared against the corrosion rate in various sections of the water/steam circuit and deposition rate. The annual cost advantage is calculated based on data on the consumption of fuel, electricity, water, and chemicals. Using the economic and environmentally sound amine water treatment programs will ensure stable operation of the heat energy system of the plant and safe working conditions.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2016;50(3):323-328
pages 323-328 views

Application of Digital Signal Processing to Improve the Accuracy of Fault Location Determination in Power Transmission Lines on the Basis of Fault Regime Parameters

Kulikov A., Obalin M., Petrova V.


Remote means for fault location determination are intended for finding the most likely fault point and reducing the bypass zone of the line. Methods of improving the accuracy of the calculation of the distance to the fault location (and reducing the inspection zone of the OHL) owing to the use of special digital processing of fault regime oscillogram signals are examined.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2016;50(3):332-336
pages 332-336 views

Harmonic Composition of the Currents of Power Windings in 500 KV Thyristor Controlled Shunt Reactor with Split Valveside Windings

Matinyan A., Peshkov M., Karpov V., Alekseev N.


The design and current spectrum of a thyristor valve controlled shunt reactor (TCSR) with split valveside windings are described. The dependence of the amplitudes of higher-order harmonics of the power winding current on the TCSR operating regime are presented for this TCSR design.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2016;50(3):337-340
pages 337-340 views

Determination of the Dielectric Characteristics of Electric Equipment Insulation in the Presence of Utility-Frequency Interference Currents

Shinkarenko G.


The operation of modern microprocessor insulation analyzers operating at the utility frequency and implementing the two measurements method (computational method) which are widely used to assess the condition of insulation in electric equipment is analyzed. The expressions and computational results are presented for the errors appearing in tanä due to the voltage setting difference between the first and second measurements and the action of the utility-frequency interference currents on the source of the testing voltage. It is shown that the two measurements method gives acceptable errors if the voltage difference between the first and second measurements does not exceed 0.2 – 0.5%. It is noted that the level of the additional errors of the insulation analyzers using the two measurements method is comparable to the error of simple analyzers of the type Tangens-2000 operating on a non-utility frequency and having significant additional errors in the presence of utility-frequency interference currents in the distribution devices.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2016;50(3):341-346
pages 341-346 views

Thermal Power Plants

Optimization of Cooling Water Flow Rate in Nuclear and Thermal Power Plants Based on a Mathematical Model of Cooling Systems1

Murav’ev V., Kochetkov A., Glazova E.


A mathematical model and algorithms are proposed for automatic calculation of the optimum flow rate of cooling water in nuclear and thermal power plants with cooling systems of arbitrary complexity. An unlimited number of configuration and design variants are assumed with the possibility of obtaining a result for any computational time interval, from monthly to hourly. The structural solutions corresponding to an optimum cooling water flow rate can be used for subsequent engineering-economic evaluation of the best cooling system variant. The computerized mathematical model and algorithms make it possible to determine the availability and degree of structural changes for the cooling system in all stages of the life cycle of a plant.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2016;50(3):290-293
pages 290-293 views

Power Systems and Electric Networks

A Possibility of Reducing the Induced Voltage Within a Repair Area1

Monakhov A., Degtyarenko E., Danilov D.


The electromagnetic effect of a live high-voltage line on a disconnected line is analyzed. It is shown by calculation that the zero-potential point of the disabled conductor can be shifted to the repair area by changing the grounding resistance at the substations. To this end, adjustable resistors placed between the disabled conductor and the grounding devices at the substations can be used. The possibility of automating this process is examined.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2016;50(3):329-331
pages 329-331 views

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