
Corrosive Wear of Gate and Valve Metal Structures at Navigation Locks and Assessment of Their Remaining Lifetime
Kuz’mitskii M., Ksenofontov N.
Analysis of the Effect of Metal Lining Defects on the Technical Condition of Penstocks
Shevchenko Y., Semenov Y., Shtil’man V.
Optimization of Restorative Heat Treatment of Turbine Housings Made from Low Alloy Steel
Gladshtein V., Lyubimov A.
Estimate of Remaining Operating Lifetime of Penstock Metal Lining with Due Regard for Its Actual Thickness
Levina S., Novkunskii A., Shevchenko Y.
Prediction of Survivability Time for Express Assessment of Long-Term Performance of Steam Line Metal Parts Made of Steel 10Kh9MFB-Sh
Gladshtein V., Troitskii A.
Causes of Erosion-Induced Damage to Elements of Low-Pressure Evaporator Circuits of the Heat-Recovery Boilers of Combined-Cycle Power Plants
Belyakov I., Breus V., Popov M.
Examination of the Efficiency of Tubular Steel Sheet Piling Profiles
Korchagin E., Kuznetsova V., Zubachev N.
Evaluation of the Long-Term Operating Life of Chromium-Molybdenum-Vanadium Steel Components with Respect to Micro-Damage
Gladshtein V., Troitskii A., Lyubimov A.
Studying the Dependence of the Life of Convection Superheaters of the Number of Damaged Coils
Bogachev V., Pshechenkova T.
Hydraulic Resistance of Corrugated Metal Culvert Pipes with Elevated Abrasive Resistance
Altunin V., Burlachenko A., Chernykh O.
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