
Experience Gained from Introduction of the Votkinsk Hydroelectic Power Plant Production Process Automatic Control System
Kocheev N., Lazarev A.
Organizing an Automatic Centralized Emergency Control System for the United Power System of Eastern Russia
Lisitsyn A.
Automatic Process Controller for the Adler Thermal Electric Power Plant
Talamanov S., Abramov A., Salenko A., Popov M., Zhuravskii D., Tverdovskii N.
A Possibility of Reducing the Induced Voltage Within a Repair Area1
Monakhov A., Degtyarenko E., Danilov D.
Modeling the Control Systems of Gas-Turbines to Ensure Their Reliable Parallel Operation in the UPS of Russia
Vinogradov A., Gerasimov A., Kozlov A., Smirnov A.
Method of Obtaining the Hodograph of an Asynchronous Mode with Given Characteristics for Testing the Operation of a Distance Relay
Glazyrin V., Litvinov I., Osintsev A., Frolova E.
Prevention of Overcurrent and Admissible Voltage Limit Violation in Electrical Network Nodes
Kats P., Lisitsyn A.
Experience in the Implementation of an Automatic System for Stabilizing the Mode of a Power District in Terms of Voltage and Reactive Power
Kostenko V., Gorozhankin P.
Mathematical Modeling in Systems for Operational Evaluation of the Stress-Strain State of the Arch-Gravity Dam at the Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydroelectric Power Plant
Bellendir E., Gordon L., Khrapkov A., Skvortsova A.
Software and Hardware Systems in the Safety Control Systems of Nuclear Power Plants
Zverkov V.
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