卷 14, 编号 3 (2011)


To a problem of diagnostic difficulties in erythrodermic variants of T-cell lymphoma of skin

Molochkov V., Kovrigina A., Molochkov A., Ovsyannikova G., Fedorovskaya A., Groznova A., Molochkov V., Kovrigina A., Molochkov A., Ovsyannikova G., Fedorovskaya A., Groznova A.


The paper presents a clinical case of conversion of erythrodermic mycosis fungoides into tumor stage of classical mycosis fungoides. Skin lesions preceded the oncologic diagnosis and were initially considered as secondary eczematous erythroderma. Modern methods of differential diagnosis allowed to make a correct diagnosis and to start specific therapy.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2011;14(3):4-6
pages 4-6 views

Elecrosurgical treatment of angiokeratoma Fordyce located on scrotum

Tarasenko G., Gryazeva N., Tarasenko G., Gryazeva N.


Authors have demonstrated possibilities of electrosurgery in this article. The case of successful ablation of angiokeratoma of Fordyce is reported.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2011;14(3):6-8
pages 6-8 views

Innovative liposomal preparations "Aycida" and their use in dermatocosmetology

Snarskaya E., Kryazheva S., Snarskaya Е., Kryazheva S.


Authors present new liposomal cosmetic line "Aysida"® developed for patients with chronic dermatoses, which can be used for treatment as well as for prophylaxis. These preparations for therapeutic care include agents for especially sensitive skin areas (face, eyelids, and hands).
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2011;14(3):8-11
pages 8-11 views

Benign licheniod keratosis

Molochkov V., Molochkov A., Khlebnikova A., Bobrov M., Prokof'ev A., Selezneva E., Molochkov V., Molochkov A., Khlebnikova A., Bobrov M., Prokofyev А., Selezneva Е.


Two cases of benign lichenoid keratosis are presented. Peculiarities of differential diagnosis are discussed, in the first place with lichen ruber planus.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2011;14(3):12-14
pages 12-14 views

A case of circumscribed scleroderma after wasp byte

Romashkina A., Romashkina А.


Authors observed a case of circumscribed scleroderma after a wasp bite located at the same area in a 43 y.o. woman. Review of 38 russian and foreign publications is also presented concerning a problem of pathogenesis and factors triggering a scleroatrophic process.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2011;14(3):14-17
pages 14-17 views

Secondary local amyloidosis of amyloid lichen type

Kartashova M., Prokof'ev A., Lobanova T., Bobrov M., Kartashova М., Prokofyev А., Lobanova Т., Bobrov М.


Authors reviewed russian and foreign literature to a problem of amyloidosis (49 publications) including etiology, pathogenesis, classification, diagnostic and treatment of this disease. A case of secondary amyloidosis (amyliod lichen type) in 39 y.o. woman is presented.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2011;14(3):17-23
pages 17-23 views

Parapsoriasis in military personnel

Karpov V., Islamov V., Gusev E., Pirogov Y., Karpov V., Islamov V., Gusev E., Pirogov Y.


Parapsoriasis is a rare disorder in military personnel. Historical aspects are highlighted according to literature data, and clinical variants of these dermatoses are described. Authors present cases of parapsoriasis in military personnel, and discuss possible difficulties in diagnosing of this disorder.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2011;14(3):23-27
pages 23-27 views

Kaposi varicelliform eruption

Tarasenko G., Kuz'mina Y., Gryazeva N., Tarasenko G., Kuzmina Y., Gryazeva N.


A case of eczema herpeticum (Kaposi varicelliform eruption) as well as results of successful treatment of this disorder are presented.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2011;14(3):27-29
pages 27-29 views

Scleroderma-like type of necrobiosis lipoidica

Ivanov O., Khaldin A., Sevidova L., Shkrebets S., Plieva L., Kosheleva I., Kolodiy A., Ivanov O., Khaldin А., Sevidova L., Shkrebets S., Plieva L., Kosheleva I., Kolodiy A.


Lipoid necrobiosis is a rare chronic vascular and metabolic dermatosis. In localized lesions lipoids are accumulated in sites of dermis with degeneration or necrobiosis of collagen. Along with classical clinical presentation of lipoid necrobiosis there are also atypical forms of this disease. A case of scleroderma-like lipoid necrobiosis is presented.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2011;14(3):29-32
pages 29-32 views

Objective assessment criterion for intensity of destructive processes in chronic dermatoses (part 1)

Korotkaya E., Morozov S., Volkova E., Osipova N., Esimbieva M., Elistratova I., Korotkaya Е., Morozov S., Volkova E., Osipova N., Esimbieva M., Elistratova I.


Authors present an algorithm of examination of immunologic parameters in patients with chronic dermatoses. This examination is based on evaluation of leukocytic elastase activity and allows to assess the severity of destructive processes as well as intensity of compensatory antidestructive potential.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2011;14(3):32-36
pages 32-36 views

Skin sarcoidosis: clinical presentation, diagnostics, treatment

Snarskaya E., Snarskaya Е.


A detailed analysis of current aspects of clinical and morphological picture, diagnostics, immunologic aspects of pathogenesis and complex therapy of sarcoidosis is presented.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2011;14(3):36-44
pages 36-44 views

Current development of practical cosmetology

Korneva L., Korneva L.


Authors present a scheme of therapeutic approach to a correction of aging skin suggested by european specialists according to classification of R. Glogau. Authors also analyze current tendencies in modern practical cosmetology concerning seasonality of influence of cosmetic preparations, new bioactive genetically engineered substances, growth factors and cellular technologies, nanotechnologies, and new methods of instrumental treatment.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2011;14(3):44-47
pages 44-47 views

Persistent Chlamidia infection and Reiter's disease, diagnostics and treatment

Molochkov V., Petrova M., Molochkov A., Mylov N., Gushchin A., Skirda T., Kil'dyushevskiy A., Balyura E., Mugutdinova A., Zenkevich E., Gracheva T., Kupriyanova A., Molochkov V., Petrova M., Molochkov A., Mylov N., Gushchin А., Skirda Т., Kildushevskiy А., Balyura Е., Mugutdinova А., Zenkevich Е., Gracheva Т., Kupriyanova А.


Reiter's disease (RD) is one of severe manifestations of urogenital chlamydiosis, characterized by combined affection of different organs and systems, most often urogenital organs, eyes and joints. This disorder presents a difficult interdisciplinary problem. Examination of patients with RD and their sexual partners, including persons with confirmed persistent chlamydial infection, needs a wide variety of new methods of laboratory diagnostics. Lymphotropic antibiotic therapy is successfully used in complex therapy. Method of extracorporal photopheresis is effective and pathogenetically validated for treatment of RD. Authors present cases of RD illustrating symptoms, diagnostics and complex therapy of this disease. One of them demonstrates positive effect of complex treatment, confirmed not only by clinical and laboratory examination but also by involution of roentgenologic signs of osteoarticular changes. A case of patient C. presents an interesting retransformation of persistent Chlamydia trachomatis into common types of this microorganism, responding to antibiotic therapy.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2011;14(3):47-52
pages 47-52 views

Current problems of diagnostics of urogenital infections caused by opportunistic germs in men of childbearing age

Lipova E., Boldyreva M., Chekmarev A., Adzhar K., Lipova Е., Boldyreva М., Chekmarev А., Adzhar K.


Current aspects of etiology, clinical and laboratory diagnostics and therapy of urogenital diseases caused by opportunistic germs in men of childbearing age is one of priority directions of national project "Health". There is an obvious need of development of highly sensitive and highly specific laboratory diagnostics for quick detection of etiological agents in most cases of asymptomatic infectious and inflammatory urogenital disorders in men of childbearing age.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2011;14(3):52-55
pages 52-55 views

Study of influence of sexual transmitted infections and comorbidities on humoral immunity in pregnant

Volkova E., Morozov S., Protsenko A., Il'in L., Volkova Е., Morozov S., Protsenko А., Ilyin L.


Authors assessed influence of sexually transmitted infections in pregnant on serum level of autoantibodies to main protein of myelin - brain protein S100, fraction of anionic chromatin proteins _''_-', and membrane proteins MP-C. Change of level of mentioned parameters correlates with unfavorable outcomes of pregnancy. Concomitant chronic genital and extragenital disorders caused hyporeactivity in ELI-P-Test-1 in pregnant with sexually transmitted infections.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2011;14(3):56-59
pages 56-59 views

About acne, seborrhea and acneiform dermatoses

Karpov V., Karpov V.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2011;14(3):59-62
pages 59-62 views

A secret of regicide

Monakhov S., Monakhov S.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2011;14(3):63-63
pages 63-63 views


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Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2011;14(3):64-64
pages 64-64 views
