


Antioxidant system dysfunction is a significant factor in the pathogenesis of inflammatory dermatosis. Despite an impressive number of studies on the causes and chronization of microbial eczema, the development of a comprehensive approach to therapy taking into account metabolic disorders remains a pressing task. Material and metods. In the course of this study, the effectiveness and expediency of including in microbial eczema therapy a preparation of antioxidant action of dimethyloxobutylphosphonyldimethylate (DFD) was evaluated based on the dynamics of antioxidant system dysfunction indices, markers of syndrome of endogenous intoxication and clinical manifestations. The material for the study was the blood of patients with microbial eczema taken before and after treatment. Dynamics of parameters of enzymatic and non-enzymatic units of antioxidant system dysfunction, level middle mass molecules were analyzed against the background of standard therapy and with inclusion of DFD. Results. Inhibition of antioxidant system dysfunction activity compared to the control group was detected in the blood of all microbial eczema patients prior to treatment. No antioxidant status was observed after the standard therapy course despite achieving clinical improvement. The inclusion of DFD in complex microbial eczema therapy had a positive effect on the state of antioxidant system dysfunction and the dynamics of the skin pathological process.


M. Tlish

Department of Dermatology and Venereology of Kuban State Medical University

Krasnodar, 350000, Russian Federation

Elena Popandopulo

Department of Dermatology and Venereology of Kuban State Medical University

MD, postgraduate of Department of dermatology and venereology Regional Clinical of Kuban State Medical University, Krasnodar, 350000, Russian Federation Krasnodar, 350000, Russian Federation


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