


The results of the study of biorevitalization effectiveness of the facial skin in women aged 30 to 40 years are presented. Material and methods. In the 1st group (n = 30) hyaluronic acid (HA) was used along the face oval, in the zone of the cheekbone, along the nasolabial folds, along the longitudinal wrinkles in the forehead area with the use of “micro-puncture” and “short-linear” techniques in the medium-deep layers of the dermis. The distance between injections is 1 cm. Injection schemes are standard, proposed by manufacturing companies - once a week, in total 6 procedures. In group 2 (n = 30), the HA was administered with the Legato apparatus, where two technologies were successively used: radio frequency and ultrasound, once every 2 weeks, with a course of 5-6 procedures. Both groups used HA in a concentration of 2 mg/ml Gialripyer-07M/mesolift. Instrumental studies of the functional properties of the skin included assessment of hydration of the epidermis (corneometry), deformation and elastic properties of the skin (cutometry), assessment of transepidermal loss of moisture (TEVA-metry), assessment of seboregulatory function of the epidermis (sebometry) using Multi Skin Test Center® MC750; dermatoscopy on a digital video camera Aramo SG, providing a computer image of the texture of the skin and its moisture level; ultrasound scanning of the skin using a digital high-definition system DUB (“TPM GmbH”, Germany) and a high-frequency linear 17 MHz sensor in SmParts Superfic scanning mode with a resolution of 78 microns. Results. The study shows the superficial effect of mesotherapy procedures: improving the morphofunctional properties of the skin, they have no effect on the thickness, echogenicity and relief of the dermis. At the same time, the obtained results of instrumental studies of the structural and functional parameters of the skin make it possible to justify the use of modern technology Legato (radio frequency and ultrasound) for intradermal administration of HA preparations, with the help of which it is possible to obtain in a short time a positive dynamics of the indices of structural and functional parameters of not only surface layers of skin, but also at the level of the dermis.


Igor Pinson

Research Center, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

MD, PhD, DSc., professor of Department of skin and veneral diseases I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation 119991, Moscow, Russian Federation

I. Verkhoglyad

Clinic of laser dermatocosmotology “Presidentmed”

Moscow, Russia


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