


Adverse environmental conditions may affect the condition of the hair follicle, which require the optimal amount and ratio of minerals. The description of the diagnosis and treatment of microelements in patients suffering from diffuse telogen alopecia is presented. Based on the analysis of data from the literature review and the results of treatment of groups of patients the importance of identifying microelement imbalance in order to apply effective treatments is shown. The results obtained, showing the imbalance of macro - and micronutrients, including essential, are the basis for recommendations for patients with diffuse alopecia additional examination for definition of microelement composition of hair. This allows to prescribe different composition of microelement complexes that ensure the replenishment of certain microelements deficiency. And this provides an opportunity to reasonably resolve the issue of the need to include in the treatment plan detoxification measures to reduce the content of toxic and conditionally toxic microelements in the body.


E. Uryupina

Clinic aesthetic dermatology “Beamed”

Email: trichos@yandex.ru
doctor dermatovenereologist of Clinic aesthetic dermatology “Beamed”, Ekaterinburg, 620028, Russian Federation Ekaterinburg, 620028, Russian Federation

N. Malishevskaya

Ural Scientific Research Institute of Dermatovenereology and Immunopathology

Ekaterinburg, 620076, Russian Federation


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