


The data of the prevalence and clinical features of adverse «Tatto reactions» are shown. The case report of cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia which was provoked by red pigment of tattoo is presented.


Igor Kuklin

Ural Research Institute of Dermatovenerology and Immunopathology

MD, PhD, docent, Ural Research Institute of Dermatovenerology and Immunopathology, Ekaterinburg, 620076, Russian Federation Ekaterinburg, 620076, Russian Federation

N. Volkova

Clinic of laser cosmetology «Linline»

Ekaterinburg, 620144, Russian Federation

M. Kokhan

Ural Research Institute of Dermatovenerology and Immunopathology

Ekaterinburg, 620076, Russian Federation

G. Safonova

Ural Research Institute of Dermatovenerology and Immunopathology

Ekaterinburg, 620076, Russian Federation

N. Sorokina

Ural Research Institute of Dermatovenerology and Immunopathology

Ekaterinburg, 620076, Russian Federation


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