


Prevention and correction of external signs of the face and neck aging are the main direction of modern cosmetology. The study of the skin functions of various zones of face and neck will allow to carry out more effectively cosmetic effects. The aim is to study the features of the elasticity of facial skin (forehead, skin around the eyes, cheeks) and neck in patients without external signs of skin aging. Material and methods. Elasticity of the face and neck skin was determined in 63 women aged 20-30 years, who made up four comparison groups: in the 1st group (22 women) the elasticity of the forehead skin was studied, in the 2nd group (43 women) - around eye, in the third group (49 women) - cheeks, in the 4th group (24 women) - the neck. To measure the elasticity of the skin the Cutometer MPA 580 (“Courage Khazaka”, Germany) was used. Results. The comparative analysis was performed with the forehead skin. The skin around the eyes was 61-68% more stretchy (R0, R8), 65% worse returned to the initial state (R1), including 26-62% with repeated suction cycles sensor (R3, R4, R9), by 1-11% less elastic (R2, R5, R7), by elastic-viscous properties (R6) is 26% better, but overall its elasticity is lower by 35-53% (F0, F1). The cheek skin is 91- 104% more stretchy (R0, R8), worse returns to the initial state (R1) by 22%, including by 10-82% with repeated suction cycles by the sensor (R3, R4, R9),13% more elastic (R2) and 15% less elastic (R5, R7), the elastic-viscous properties (R6) 41% better, but overall its elasticity is lower by 31-100% (F0, F1) . The neck skin is 186-257% more stretchable (R0, R8), 6% worse returns to the initial state (R1), including 13-164% with repeated suction cycles by the sensor (R3, R4, R9), by 11-28% more elastic (R2, R5, R7), by elastic-viscous properties (R6) 50% better, but overall its elasticity is lower by 88-153% (F0, F1). Conclusion. The skin of the forehead, around the eyes, cheeks and neck, according to the elasticity indices, has significant differences. The obtained data should be taken into account when carrying out various cosmetology techniques, further study are needed.


Tatiyana Korolkova

I.I. Mechnikov North-West State Medical University

MD, PhD, DSc, professor, Head of the Department of Cosmetology of North-West State Medical University n.a. I.I. Mechnikov, St.Petersburg, 194291, Russian Federation St.Petersburg, 191015, Russian Federation

L. Ambartsumyan

I.I. Mechnikov North-West State Medical University

St.Petersburg, 191015, Russian Federation

I. Shepilova

I.I. Mechnikov North-West State Medical University

St.Petersburg, 191015, Russian Federation

A. Maslova

I.I. Mechnikov North-West State Medical University

St.Petersburg, 191015, Russian Federation


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