


Purpose - to conduct clinical and epidemiological analysis of the incidence of neurosyphilis in the Omsk region in the period from 2008 to 2015. Material and methods. The assessment of level of a condition of a case rate of various groups of the population and implication of epidemic process carried out on the basis of the analysis of data of the statistical account on Omsk and the Omsk region and statistical cards of the patients. Complex clinical examination of patients with a lues for the purpose of identification of signs of a lesion of a nervous system is conducted. Results. The analysis of an epidemic situation in Omsk and the Omsk region for the specified period of observations showed that the case rate a neurolues of the population of the region remained stable. Conclusion. Now depression of the general case rate by a neurolues with symptoms against body height of a case rate an asimptomny neurolues is observed. In the conditions of body height of a case rate an asimptomny neurolues closer interaction of dermatovenerologists and neurologists in questions of diagnostics and treatment of a neurolues is necessary.


Yuriy Novikov

Omsk State Medical University

prof., MD, PhD, DSc., professor of Department of dermatology and venereology and cosmetology of Omsk state medical University. Omsk, 644001, Russian Federation Omsk, 644099, Russian Federation

V. Ochlopkov

Omsk State Medical University

Omsk, 644099, Russian Federation

E. Kravchenko

Omsk State Medical University

Omsk, 644099, Russian Federation


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