Major-General of medical service, corresponding member of the Academy of Medical Science of the USSR, professor S.T. Pavlov (to the 120 anniversary)




The article describes the major biographic milestones and scientific contribution of the Russian dermatologist-venereologist, corresponding member of the Academy of Medical Science of the USSR S.T. Pavlov (1897-1971). S.T. Pavlov is the author of over 80 scientific works, devoted mainly to pathogenesis and clinics of eczema, atopic eczema, parapsoriasis, general pathology of syphilis, morbidity of dermatoses among military men and teaching methodology of dermatology and venetreology.


A. Stochik

N.A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health

ведущий научный сотрудник ФГБНУ «Национальный НИИ общественного здоровья им. Н.А. Семашко» Moscow, 105064, Russian Federation


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