Clinical case scleroderma associated with Borrelia infection




Clinical case of skleroderma, associated with borrelia infection is presented. 64 year old patient complained about lesions on the skin of the trunk, in the form of consolidation with change of colour and shine. 5 years ago on a skin in the left calcaneal area stuck tick that has been independently removed, was found. First occurrences of dark stains on a trunk was noticed a year ago. On the basis of the anamnesis, clinical picture and histologic research the diagnosis of localized skleroderma was established. Successful treatment was performed.


Grigoriy Tarasenko

3 Central military clinical hospital n.a. A.A. Vishnevskogo; Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education

MD, PhD, docent, 3 Central military clinical hospital n.a. A.A. Vishnevskiy Ministry of Defence of Russian Federation Krasnogorsk, 143003, Russian Federation

A. Bobrov

3 Central military clinical hospital n.a. A.A. Vishnevskogo

Krasnogorsk, 143003, Russian Federation

T. Bogdanova

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education

Chair of dermatovenerology and cosmetology Moscow, 107076, Russian Federation

Oksana Protiuc

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education

Chair of dermatovenerology and cosmetology Moscow, 107076, Russian Federation


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