Cromhidrosis: clinical observation




The clinical case of apocrine sweat glands disease - chromhidrosis, that is characterized by stains on linen and clothes in armpit, brushes, genitals, is presented. Stains can be various color, it depends on the reason that causes the pathology. Authors pay attention of doctors to necessity of inspection of such patients taking into account the anamnesis and a possible pathology of internal organs.


Grigoriy Tarasenko

3 Central military clinical hospital n.a. A.A. Vishnevskogo Ministry of Defence of Russia; Moscow State University of Food Production

Department of skin and venereal diseases with a course of cosmetology of Medical institute of improvement of doctors; Department of skin and venereal diseases with a course of cosmetology of Medical institute of improvement of doctors Krasnogorsk, 143003, Russian Federation

Yu. Kuzmina

3 Central military clinical hospital n.a. A.A. Vishnevskogo Ministry of Defence of Russia

Krasnogorsk, 143003, Russian Federation

A. Sysoeva

3 Central military clinical hospital n.a. A.A. Vishnevskiy of Ministry of Defence of Russia

Policlinic Nakhabino, Moscow Region, 143003, Russian Federation


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