


A description of a rare disease multiple steatocystoma is presented. The disease is characterized by the development of cysts of hair follicle walls and sebaceous gland ducts. Clinical signs are multiple yellow-colored nodules located in the areas with high density of sebaceous glands. Description of clinical case of multiple steatocystoma at 31-year-old female patient, that was treated for a long time with an “unknown dermatosis” and literature review are presented. The correct diagnosis was verified based on anamnesis, clinical findings and pathomorphologic study.


V. Molochkov

Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute

Moscow, 129110, Russian Federation

Albina Khlebnikova

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

prof., MD, PhD, Dsc., professor of Department of Skin and Veneral Diseases of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russian federation Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation

Yu. Molochkova

Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute

Moscow, 129110, Russian Federation


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