Clinical efficiency of eximer lamp and laser in vitiligo: A comparative randomized study




Eximer laser, λ=308 nm, and eximer lamp, λ=308 nm, are effective in therapy in vitiligo patients, but their efficiencies have never been directly compared. We compare the efficiencies of eximer laser and lamp in therapy for localised forms of vitiligo in a randomized study. One focus was exposed to eximer laser (λ=308 nm), a symmetrical focus to eximer lamp (λ=308 nm). The foci were exposed 3 times a week in the same doses on both sides, a course consisted of 20 sessions. The results were evaluated by two independent teams of dermatologists, who did not know the treatment modality, in photographs made at common light and with Wood’s lamp. The study was carried out in 50 patients; a total of 100 foci were exposed, 2 per patient. The results of two methods were similar by pigmentation efficiency (at least 50%; p=0,006). Eximer lamp and laser at λ=308 nm exhibited similar efficiency in the treatment of vitiligo. The lamp caused a more pronounced erythema at similar energy density, which indicated photobiological differences between the two devices.


Igor Pinson

I.M. Setchenov First Moscow State Medical University

MD, PhD, DSc, prof. 119991, Moscow, Russia

O. Olisova

I.M. Setchenov First Moscow State Medical University

Кафедра кожных венерических болезней; доктор мед. наук, профессор 119991, Moscow, Russia

K. Bashlakova

I.M. Setchenov First Moscow State Medical University

Кафедра кожных венерических болезней; аспирантка 119991, Moscow, Russia


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