IgM Antibodies to Mycobacterium leprae Dis-BSA semisynthetic antigen in residents of an endemic and nonendemic regions of Russia




Blood levels of IgM antibodies to Mycobacterium leprae antigen were studied in healthy donors by enzyme immunoassay. Semisynthetic analog of M. leprae species-specific phenol glycoprotein (disaccharide conjugate with bovine serum albumin - Dis-BSA) from WHO bank served as the immunoadsorbent (antigen). The incidence of serum IgM antibodies to M. leprae Dis-BSA was higher in residents of the lepra endemic Astrakhan region (3,47% of 837 tested donors) in comparison with residents of Moscow and the Moscow Region, not lepra-endemic (2,05% of 781 tested donors). These data reflected the contacts of the population with the disease agent.


O. Degtyarev

Astrakhan State Medical University; Institute of Lepra Research

доктор мед. наук, профессор 414000, Astrakhan, Russia

Sergey Rotanov

State Center of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology

Email: rotanov@cnikvi.ru
MD, PhD, docent 107076, Moscow, Russia

Z. Ibadulaev

Institute of Lepra Research

Email: zagid30@rambler.ru
младший научный сотрудник 414057, Astrakhan


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