Q-Switched modules 1064/532 nm and ND: YAG: 1064 nm laser therapy of foot onychomycosis




Therapy for onychomycosis is a difficult problem, as the patients suffering from this disease are often elderly, with severe concomitant diseases, and systemic antimycotic therapy is contraindicated for them. All these factors necessitate search for new therapeutic methods, one of them is laser therapy. A clinical case is presented. A female patient was previously ineffectively treated with various systemic and topical means. Laser therapy was carried out as follows: a session every 2 weeks during 6 months using Q-Switched modules 1064/532 nm and ND:YAG: 1064 nm on a multitechnological platform of Harmony XL Alma Lasers (Israel). The patient received 9 sessions. Examination 1 year after the beginning of laser therapy showed clinical cure, which was confirmed by negative results of microscopic and culture testing for pathogenic fungi. Hence, laser therapy of onychomycosis proved to be an effective and safe therapy.


Adelya Akmaeva

I.M. Setchenov First Moscow State Medical University

Email: adelya-med@mail.ru
postgraduate 119991, Moscow, Russia


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