Effects of combined therapy on the time course of the articular syndrome in patients with psoriasis in the presence of lipid metabolism disorders




The prevalence and incidence ofpsoriatic disease in the Russian Federation remain high. One of the most severe disabling forms ofpsoriatic disease is psoriatic arthropathy (PA) - chronic inflammatory seronegative spondyloarthropathy with the predominant involvement of the distal interphalangealjoints of the hands, metatarsophalangeal articulations, and of the spine, combined with skin manifestations ofpsoriasis. Metabolic disorders are highly incident in the patients with PA, this augmenting cardiovascular risk. Search for approaches to improving the available effective pathogenetic therapies for PA with due consideration for the metabolic (including lipid metabolic) disorders is therefore an important problem. We studied the effects of combined therapy including simvastatin on the time course of the articular syndrome and functional status of 91 PA patients with lipid metabolism disorders.


Andrey Yakubovich

Irkutsk State Medical University

Email: divanand@mail.ru
MD, PhD, D.Sc, prof. Irkusk, Russia

Ludmila Saldamaeva

Ust-Orda Regional Center of Skin and Sexually-Transmitted Diseases

Email: d.saldamaeva@mail.ru
врач-дерматовенеролог первой категории 669001, Ust-Ordinskiy, Irkutsk region, Russia


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