Modern concepts of therapy for microsporosis and trichophytosis




Microsporosis and trichophytosis are predominant superficial mycoses of childhood. Adult patients are responsible for 9-18% cases annually. Disseminated and complicatedforms of microsporosis and trichophytosis and of all kinds of involvement of the hairy part of the head are treated by a combination of topical and systemic antimycotics. Modern treatment protocols as a rule include drugs with side effects (skin irritation), including external iodine preparations, which is fraught with a high incidence of cosmetically undesirable residual phenomena. Terbinafine (Exifine®, "Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories", India) is a more sparing drug, particularly for trichophytosis therapy. The authors present an algorithm for diagnosis, therapy, and prevention of superficial mycoses.


Alex Yakovlev

Training and Research Medical Center, Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

MD, PhD, docent 121359, Moscow, Russia


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