Tireoidnyy status u bol'nykh leproy i vliyanie na nego dapsona




The authors studied the levels of triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine, and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) by radioimmunoassay in 176 patients with lepromatous leprosy at different developmental stages of the process and iodine exchange by whole-body radiometry in 47 patients with this condition; the similar indices were examined in 44 apparently healthy individuals. There was a considerable reduction in the body content of organic iodine, suggesting tissue thyroid hormone deficiencies in both the active phases of leprosy and the regression stage. The observed substantial T3 and TSH elevations in the same contingent of patients are likely to be a compensatory and homeostatic response. The anti-leprosy drug dapsone that significantly diminishes permeability of the thyroid tissue-blood barrier to thymidine (an experiment on 20 sexually mature albino rats) is one of the factors aggravating the above deficiency.


E Balybin

ФГУ Научно-исследовательский институт по изучению лепры Росздрава, Астрахань

Отдел биохимии и иммунологиист. науч. сотр., канд. мед. наук; ФГУ Научно-исследовательский институт по изучению лепры Росздрава, Астрахань


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