Efficiency of appliance of cranial electrotherapy stimulation and fabomotizole medication as part of combination therapy of patients with lichen ruber planus

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BACKGROUND: Taking into consideration importance of a stress factor in the pathogenesis of lichen ruber planus, it seems reasonable and promising to include safe and effective methods for its correction in the therapy of such patients.

AIMS: To evaluate efficiency of the combination therapy in patients with lichen ruber planus with inclusion of cranial electrotherapy stimulation and fabomotizole medication.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The object of the study included 65 patients (42 women ― 64.6% and 23 men ― 35.4% at the ages from 18 to 75 (43.8±15.3 years) with a common typical form of lichen ruber planus. Duration of the disease ranged from 1 to 42 months (13.3±11.6 months). Two groups were formed by the method of adaptive randomization. In the main group (n=33), patients received chloroquine of 250 mg orally twice a day, topical glucocorticosteroids and additionally cranial electrotherapy stimulation. In the comparison group (n=32), the similar therapy was carried out, but instead of cranial electrotherapy stimulation, fabomotizole of 10 mg was prescribed orally 3 times a day after meals. The course of hospital treatment in both groups was 21 days, the follow-up was 12 weeks. Results of the therapy were assessed on the 7; 14 and 21st days. The examination algorithm included: assessment of clinical manifestations taking into account the Index Lichen Planus; the impact of pruritus on the daily life of patients with the help of the generally accepted Behavioral rating scores questionnaire; study of the psychoemotional state of patients using the Dermatology Life Quality Index, Hamilton Anxiety Scale and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale.

RESULTS: Before prescription of the therapy in both groups, there were no statistically significant differences (p >0.001) in the studied indices, scales, and questionnaire. After the combination therapy in association with cranial electrotherapy stimulation in patients of the main group, starting from the 7th day of the therapy, significantly more favorable results were achieved in terms of the studied parameters (Index Lichen Planus, Dermatology Life Quality Index, Hamilton Anxiety Scale and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale). As for the effect of pruritus on the daily activities of patients (Behavioral rating scores questionnaire), in both groups there was its equally statistically significant (p <0.001) decrease. Patients of the main group and the comparison group tolerated the treatment well, there were no side effects.

CONCLUSIONS: In the main group, using cranial electrotherapy stimulation, normalization of indicators reflecting the activity of the skin pathological process, psychoemotional state and dermatology life quality was statistically significant and took place within a shorter period of time.

About the authors

Marina M. Tlish

Kuban State Medical University

Email: tlish_mm@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9323-4604
SPIN-code: 8452-4062

MD, Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor

Russian Federation, 4, Sedina Street, Krasnodar, 350063

Polina S. Osmolovskaya

Kuban State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: polina_osmolovskaya@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6764-0796
SPIN-code: 1358-3426

MD, Assistant Lecturer

Russian Federation, 4, Sedina Street, Krasnodar, 350063


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